Five Ways to Reclaim Your Day When You Feel Overwhelmed
If you know me at all, you know I love yoga. But sometimes we need other ways to support ourselves when we've woken up on the wrong side of the bed or had something during the day throw us right?
Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m on an emotional roller coaster and I’m really appreciating doing things in addition to my yoga practice to find some relief. Somedays I wake up totally inspired to be productive. The next thing I know I’m burning myself out on those days which makes the next day feel FUN-KY(without the fun ;).
So I’m practicing different ways I can support myself on those funky days so I can move out of the funk and get on with my new day. Everyday has the opportunity to be amazing or at least not so challenging. Sometimes we need to re-tune, re-evaluate so we can get back into the swing of things. There’s no shame in that- am I right?
These are the tools I'm using to take back my day.
When I notice that my mind is going to crazy-town or angry-town I TRY to press pause(which isn't always easy). I give myself about 15 minutes to do this process and usually I can pull myself out of whatever funky is within. So first,
1. Press Pause
COMMUNICATE to your people. These are your partner, children, family or friends and let them know you need a minute to regroup. Remove outside stimulations- TURN YOUR PHONE ON SILENT(just while you do this). Turn off the tv and music and if you can, #GETOUTSIDE. Even if you have to hide in your car or your closet. Remove all outside influences and give yourself a few minutes of alone time. If you have one, bring a journal with you(or even just a piece of paper and pen).
Photo by Matteo Di Iorio on Unsplash
2. Self Check-In Time
What feelings are you having?
What thoughts are running through your mind?
Can you find where they come from?
What’s happened in your day to put you in this place you don’t wish to be?
Is it an outside source or something going on within?
What are your thoughts like today?
Where are you feeling this in your body? At first this may be hard to identify but get quiet and sit still and see if you can feel it.
Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash
3. Take Some Deep Breathes
I know, you’re thinking “I already do that!” But are you doing it mindfully?
Breathing mindfully is an entirely different mind game.
It’s a great way to get back to yourself and get grounded. Feel the sensations that come up- the air flowing in and out of your nose. Can you feel your lungs expanding? Is your breath shallow or hurried?
When I feel stress or discomfort, I like to think of my breath how I think of watching a scary movie. Am I holding my breath? Or am I breathing quickly because I’m anxious?
Once I realize how my breath feels, then I can start to change it.
Take 5 minutes to do some deep full belly breathingPractice 4-7-8 breathing technique.
Inhale for a count of four, hold for 7 and exhale slowly for 8. Do this at least 10 times and if time permits, for a full 5 minutes- just set a timer on your phone and go for it!
4. Tap it out- EFT Tapping
I’ve been SERIOUSLY getting into tapping and I’m finding it a great way to regroup.
What is tapping you say? Well let me tell you!
Tapping is referring to EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique.
The Tapping Solution says
"Tapping provides relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, and physical diseases. While Tapping is newly set to revolutionize the field of health and wellness, the healing concepts that it’s based upon have been in practice in Eastern medicine for over 5,000 years. Like acupuncture and acupressure, Tapping is a set of techniques which utilize the body’s energy meridian points. You can stimulate these meridian points by tapping on them with your fingertips – literally tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power."
Sounds pretty good right?!? To be in better control of how we feel!
I'm SO in love with this new found tool I've been doing it almost everyday.
Wanna know more! Of course you do! The Tapping Solution is a wealth of information so check them out here!
This has been such a powerful tool for me that I’ve been inspired to create my own tapping videos so keep an eye out to tap along with me soon!
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash
5. Journal about it-
What did you feel before, during and how are you feeling now?
What has changed?
What do you feel and where in your body do you feel it?
The feelings may not completely disappear, but chances are, after taking this time for yourself, they won’t be taking over.
Somedays we just have to surrender into the feels and then let. THAT. SHIT. GO.
Thank you for checking out this post and PLEASE let me know how you’re feeling in the comments below.