8 Self Care Tips Perfect for This Valentine’s Day

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Modern-day Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate your romance. The focus is on your romantic partnerships but that's not all it's good for. If you are in a relationship or not, it is the perfect opportunity to celebrate love for YOU!

A wise woman(my mama) once told me, “You have to love yourself first before you can love anyone else.” This valuable information has shaped my relationship with myself and others. I'm learning that I can give myself what I need to feel supported. This is an important idea we tend to forget. It's so easy to get wrapped up in what your partner does for you and how you feel about it. Turn your attention inward- what do you want and need to feel supported? And how can you give yourself the love that you deserve?

Here are my 8 favorite self-care practices.

Write a love note to yourself.

Often we don't talk to ourselves the way we would if we were talking to others. We are less kind, accepting, and loving to ourselves. Change that. Get a piece of paper or a journal, or if you’re feeling fancy- grab a card. Begin jotting what you love about yourself. Write down all your strengths and why you love your strengths. Write about lessons you’ve learned recently and how that has made a positive impact on your life. Write down what you’re grateful for in yourself. If you find this challenging, think about it from another perspective. Step into the mind of your loved one( your partner, your friend) and write the letter from their view. Think about what you do for them and how you make their life better and write it out. It may look like

Dear ___,

I appreciate all the time you take to cook for me. You create fun and healthy meals that make me feel good. Your smile radiates throughout the day and is contagious- what a gift to share with the world. When you ask about my day I feel seen and loved…



Something like that.

Make a nourishing Plant Based Meal

If you know me at all I love food. And for me, food is a lovely way to give myself some love. I enjoy flavorful healthy dishes that fuel my body and my spirit. And you don’t have to share a dish with somebody to make it special. I was recently home alone and not super inspired to cook, but I had some veggies lying around. I thought how can I make these veggies more interesting? So I went online and looked up my ingredients and recipes to go along with those ingredients. I found this wonderful One Pot Moroccan Quinoa on Dishing Out the Health and it’s a meal I love every time. So spice it up and nourish yourself.

Take a walk in nature

Walk around the beautiful world around you. Go to your backyard, or find a local park, and take it in. Practice looking at the world around you with fresh eyes. Look at the bark or moss on trees. Look at the dirt or tracks in the dirt, the fallen leaves. Are there plants popping up? Pause close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. What do you hear? What do you smell? Notice your thoughts as you spend time outside. How does it feel?

Take a bath or shower and finish with Abhyanga Self Body Massage

Who doesn't love a massage- and a free one at that? Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga and it has many self-care practices. I think Abhyanga is one of my top favorites. Start by warming the bathroom, light some candles, and make your space sweet and cozy. Grab a couple of towels, one while oiling to sit or stand on and the other for after a shower or bath. Warm some body oil making sure it’s not too hot. The use of coconut or sesame oil is traditional but any body oil you enjoy is good. Begin at the top of the head working your way to your feet. If you don’t want oil in your hair do a dry head massage. Massage your face ears and neck moving down. Use long strokes on arms and legs, small circles around joints, and smooth clockwise circles around your heart and belly. This clockwise motion is said to encourage stuck energy to move more harmoniously. Don’t be afraid to be sensuous with yourself- touch yourself and notice how it feels to touch your skin. After finishing with the feet(be careful not to slip), sit in your warm bathroom and let the oil absorb into your body for five to ten minutes. When you’re ready take a warm shower or bath and use a gentle cleanser to remove the oil. Do this to relax, boost the lymphatic system, promote healthy radiant skin, and more. You can do this daily weekly or monthly. You don’t need to wait till next V-Day to do it again!

Steam your face

My oh my this is one of my new FAVORITES! It fits into any budget and feels oh-so-good! First, wash your face. While washing your face, bring about 2 cups of water to boil. You can use tap water as boiling the water removes the impurities. After boiling, turn the water off and pour it into a bowl( I use a medium mixing bowl). Remember to be careful with your steaming hot water. Now you can add a drop or two of essential oil, or herbs like thyme, or steep some calming herbal tea such as chamomile. Turn on some relaxing music, and set a timer for between 5 and 10 minutes. Find a comfy place to sit. Place the bowl about a foot under your face, drape a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam through your nose.

Buy yourself(or a dear friend- because it feels good to give) a living plant.

Cut flowers are gorgeous but the environmental impact is HUGE. Be mindful of the environment by purchasing a living plant that will give you joy for longer than ten days. :) Living plants also help filter the air in your home and provide a sweet focal point. If you’re new to house plants, I water all my plants once weekly and they are happy.

Spruce up your home.

And no I’m not talking about needing to go out and buy anything. I’m talking about cleaning it up. If you have a pile of papers you’ve been meaning to get to go through, get it done and check it off the list. Notice how good it feels once that pile of papers is gone- it no longer rents space in your head. If you have some dishes that need to get done, do them, and notice how nice it feels to have an uncluttered kitchen. Do anything that your home needs that will make you feel better. When you’re in a space that feels good it’s easier to feel better- what a great gift to give yourself.

Give yourself a little downtime.

What's your favorite downtime practice? This can look like a nap, reading a good book, or might be binging on some Netflix. Find whatever resonates with you and give yourself some time to do nothing. Notice how giving yourself this time feels for you

And remember these practices aren't only for special occasions. These are things you can bring in more often to make sure you are giving yourself the gift of self-love.