Yoga For Beginners- How to survive Your First Yoga Class and feel your Best

So you signed up for your first yoga class!!! Go you!!!

But now what?

Starting a yoga practice and not knowing what to expect or what you need to know can be scary!

Not to worry. I am here to help you.

As we all know- the unknown is intimidating and a little scary! Fear not! There is no need to feel intimidated. We all start something new as beginners. No one likely jumped out of the womb and into a downward-facing dog pose. Now chances are you may not know what down dog is, but you will soon enough.

Here I have 11 Tips to get the most out of your yoga practice!

Know people call it a PRACTICE for a reason.

Everyone knows how amazing it is when we try something for the first time and, BOOM! You are great at it! Yoga may be something you find easy. But for many, and may I even say most, it is a significantly challenging concept. Yoga is about finding the connection to mind and body. It takes time to understand how the body moves and getting comfortable moving your body in new ways. Moving and thinking about your breath and foreign words(Sanskrit) Eeeeek! And always keep in mind... 

Do not take yourself so seriously.

Yoga is all about learning about... YOU!!! Tune out the world and tune into yourself. As you move through your yoga practice, listen to the thoughts of your mind and, like bubbles, let the thoughts float away. When you find yourself in struggle mode or feeling challenged, take a deep breath, and take a moment to listen to what the mind and body are saying. Yoga is not about changing who you are or what you feel. Learn to be a witness to your experience and honoring yourself for showing up.

Stick with it! 

You may have just had your first yoga class, and now you think, why would I ever do that again?!? Give it some time. It starts out new and foreign but the more you do it, the more familiar it becomes. I recommend trying at least 10 classes to give yourself time to acclimate. Every day is a different experience in your body! Try a variety of yoga classes and teachers. There are many yoga styles to choose from. Take the time and see what resonates with you! Trying a class and not loving it doesn't mean it's time to run for the hills. Some styles will resonate with you more than others, but that doesn’t mean yoga is not for you.

Wear Comfy Clothes

Stretchy clothes that move when you do are a good start. When I first started yoga, I thought jammy pants were a good fit. Ya know, they had room, and I could move in them. I did not even consider that the bagginess of them could make them not quite right. After a while, I learned that I like clothes that stay close to the body so the teacher can see your alignment. That does not mean you need to have the hottest new yoga outfit, just something that feels free and good.

Ask questions to get the most out of your experience.

Ask your yoga teacher- most yoga teachers love talking about anything yoga. Sometimes you get us talking, and it is hard to get us to stop. Strike up a conversation with those around you. You are becoming a part of a yoga community, and it is lovely to make connections. Questions and concerns about any aspect of yoga are always welcome. And remember- there is NO such thing as a stupid question. 

Arrive 5-10 minutes early

This gives you time to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Find where in the room you want to be. Keep in mind when new to yoga, the middle of the room will give you the best visibility of others in the room to give you a little extra guidance. It may feel intimidating to plunk your yoga mat down square in the middle of the room, but just remember EVERYONE with you in that room was a beginner at some point. Also, give yourself a moment to find the bathroom. Meet the teacher and ask any questions or concerns you may have. It is advised to let your yoga teacher know if you have any injuries, strains, or sensitivities and, if you are pregnant, let the yoga teacher know to help keep you safe and comfortable.

Props and Mats are your Friends! 

Blocks, Straps, and Blankets, and Bolsters are tools, but I like to think of them as our friends👯‍♀️. They are NEVER a sign of handicap or inability. Props help you find alignment, support, and stability in anything from sitting to balancing. They are also a great way to deepen your practice. Above all, yoga props are your little friends that make your yoga practice better, more safe and chances are you will see more progress using them.

Discovering the right yoga mat can give you the feeling of a perfectly fitted pair of jeans. It offers support, stability, confidence, comfort, and peace of mind. However, you may not know what you like when you first begin. Try out as many yoga mats as you can. Talk to your yoga community, friends, and your teacher. In this day and age, there are SO MANY choices, but in the end, you decide. TRUST YOURSELF above all else!

Yoga is for everyone! 

"Anybody can breathe. Therefore anyone can practice yoga." -T.K.V Desikachar

I have heard so many people say, “I can’t do yoga. I’m not flexible.” You do not have to start yoga already being flexible! Yoga helps to get you there. That is like saying, "I can’t..." 

Declaring "I can’t," means you probably never will. I honestly believe EVERYONE on this Earth can benefit from doing yoga. It is not some one-size-fits-all kinda practice, and there are so many styles to choose from. Some are slower-paced, some are aerobic, power, restorative, yoga for pain, yoga for stress, the list goes on. As mentioned before, try as many classes as you can to explore all your options.

Remember to Breathe

Have you ever watched a scary movie and noticed you are not breathing?!? :) A yoga practice can be like that. It's not frightening per-say but, it is a definite challenge. A vital part of the practice is being aware of your breath and using different breathing techniques. It helps to keep you in the present moment and to keep your cool. Your breath can also say a lot about what you are experiencing if you pay attention. Exploring your breath can provide insights into your experience in a physical, mental, and emotional way. Any time you notice yourself holding your breath, release it, and begin again. You can always come back to your breath. 

Have Fun and Be Playful

Use this time to just be. Be curious, be playful, and remember to be kind to yourself. This time is yours! Give yourself a little pat on the back for giving yourself some serious self-care. Listen to what feels good and see this time as a gift.

Drink Lots of High-Quality H2O 

I always think of water as the Fountain of Youth- and with how time flys we could all use a little bit of that- am I right??? The typical person does not drink enough water. I was recently taught to calculate my body weight in pounds, divide it by 2. That is how many OUNCES of water I need to drink daily. So if I weigh 130 pounds and half of that is 65, I need to drink 65 ounces of water. When I was a kid, I was taught that everyone needs just 6 8-ounces glasses of water which is 48 ounces. That is considerably more than the 6 8-ounce glasses of water I was taught was the right amount(only 48 ounces)! Water helps to hydrate the cells of your being. It helps your muscles to rebound more quickly after a good workout. There are so many benefits of drinking water: lubricating joints, hydrating skin, flushing out toxins. I could go on and on and on, so instead, I found an article from Healthline

Comment below and share your favorite tip!